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Retford Business Forum Event
Retford Business Forum CIC (RBF) meets on the first Monday of every month, except at bank holidays, when it's the second Monday.
We are all volunteers and attendance at our monthly meetings is open to every business, organisation or individual committed to working in association with RBF CIC to achieve its aims and objectives.
Being a Community Interest Company which benefits the community rather than private shareholders, Retford Business Forum (RBF) promotes the interests of people, businesses and organisations of Retford and its surrounding area. We hold events and activities throughout the year to attract local people and visitors into town, thereby helping to increase footfall and spending.
Most meetings are held remotely via MS Teams, starting at 6pm with the link open from 5.45pm, and every quarter, in March, June, September and December, we aim to meet face-to-face if a Retford town centre location can host us.
Our next meeting is an online meeting on Monday 7th October, starting at 6pm and ending around 7.30 pm and we would love you to join us!
To attend our meetings, if you don't already receive the Agenda and links, please ask the Chair at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - you would be very welcome.
Meetings open at 5.45pm for a 6pm start
January 8th
February 5th
March 4th (face to face)
April 8th
May 13th
June 3rd (AGM - face to face)
July 1st
August 5th
September 2nd (face to face)
October 7th
November 4th
December 2nd (face to face)
- To attend our meetings, if you don't already receive the Agenda and links, please ask the Chair at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - you would be very welcome.
- Alternatively, to simply join our free mailing list and receive updates, information and monthly meeting Agendas and Minutes, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- If you are a town centre location and would like to host one of our quarterly meetings, then please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you so much!
- If you want to know more about Retford Business Forum (RBF) and our Member Benefits scheme, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Your annual £24 membership fee goes towards helping RBF put on events and activities throughout the year.
- We are always in need of people to help with running RBF as well as occasional help with events. If you would like to get involved in something worthwhile for the local community please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you.